The Ugly Sweater - It's completely ridiculous, and that's why I like it. In this blog, I take a stab (with knitting needles) at all the unfortunate knitwear that has been unleashed on the world. I'm unraveling yarns of disaster one stitch at a time. However, sometimes I take a break from displaying the beautifully horrific majesty of tragic knitwear and focus on some truly inspired pieces of art, craft, or techniques in the fabric arts. So, treat yourself to what will surely leave you laughing, cringing, inspired, or simply itchy from all the wool.
My Bukisa Page- My Bukisa page is where I write things that don't really fit into The Shenanigan Files. I post about a variety of subjects from how to prep perfect no-stick cake pans, movie theater etiquette, typography, and even ethical/political issues from my real life experiences. Jinkies! I'd appreciate if you'd check it out, and I think you'll enjoy the trip over there as well.